Unity3D Conference 2011

Together with my team, I organized  the first Unity3D conference in the south of Italy at University of Calabria.

My company used to use Unity3D since the very beginning (2006) to develop Tomo3D, but the University of Calabria didn’t have any game development course for students in my region. 

It was an unexpected success among students. The rector of the university was so surprised of the participation that wanted to start a game development course the next year
unity logo

Diagnosis of Cultural Heritage Conference

We wrote a paper for the conference in which we presented our method to reconstruct an area of cultural interest using a 3D laser scanner and then lowering the number of polygons of the point cloud to use the mesh in a real time interactive environment
Articolo - Enjoy Calabria - Conference Diagnosis, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage
Articolo - Enjoy Calabria - Conference Diagnosis, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage2
Articolo - Enjoy Calabria - Conference Diagnosis, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage3


Carmela Ruggiero, Alessandro Senato, Roberto Senato, Maurizio Muzzupappa
University of Calabria, Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, Dynematica srl


In this paper, we present a methodology for the realization of a threedimensional reconstruction of the area around an historical and cultural monument, which will be interactively navigable in real time on a web page.

The area, which was rebuilt in the virtual environment, has a large extension and it corresponds to the one surrounding the Scilla’s castle in Calabria.
The acquisition of such a large area was performed using multiple scans from different positions, each of which has reported architectural data. Each scanning position is located by GPS coordinates, in order to create a model composed of individual scans into a single reference system with high accuracy. The detecting positions were planned on different height levels, starting from the lower area of the port to climb up to highest point of the castle.

The reconstruction of the urban area, that leads to the castle of Scilla, was performed through the integration of 3D data obtained from different processes. The raw data acquired from laser scanning pass through a cleaning process and a polygonal lowering process, then, detailed 3D CAD reconstruction of main buildings (such as the Castle and the church underneath it) are integrated according to size and proportions obtained from the acquisition data. This procedure allows to obtain a 3D model of a large area with a lightness of data to allow an interactive navigation.

Moreover, the data scanner provided the information relating to the texture for the generation of 3D model’s UVMap. Therefore, the polygon model was brought into a 3D editing program (Modo by Luxology) for the operations of texture mapping (UVMap). In the virtual environment of Modo some subsequent steps were performed, in order to complete the three-dimensional model. Finally, it was brought to in the real-time engine of Unity.